(Note: This show was filmed when restaurants were at 50% capacity and masks were not yet mandatory.)

The crew from Texas travel show YOLO TX visited downtown McKinney during the summer of 2020, stopping at several spots to chat with folks who work here and make our community such a special place to live and visit. The show broadcast two segments on downtown with combined coverage of all the places they visited back in July, but since then, have aired extended segments of some of the separate businesses including Local Yocal BBQ & GrillThe Celt, Arcade 92, and Goodies Texas. (Click the links to view each video.)

Following are some highlights from their visit with links to all the places they filmed and to the different segments that have aired. We loved working with this crew of such a fun Texas travel show!

Nick host behind counter

During the full episode, host Aerin Carreno shared her culinary adventures and good times enjoying downtown McKinney's music and nostalgic scene. To watch this fun episode, click HERE.

Come along with her for coffee tasting and brunch at the Layered, chocolate crafting at Goodies Texas, mixing drinks at The Celt, sampling boozy ice cream at Cocktail Creamery, and battling ninjas at Arcade 92. She also interviews Local Yocal BBQ & Grill's Chef Adam West and owner/rancher Matt Hamilton then rocks out at a parking lot concert featuring McKinney's own Jon Christopher Davis. You'll definitely want to watch! In this blog entry, we wanted to share some behind-the-scenes photos with Aerin and the YOLO filming crew during their visit here. 

ARcade 92 interviewYOLO crew eating at Local Yocal

We also want to thank our wonderful McKinney 

partners who helped us host the crew while they were here, feeding them, entertaining them, and giving them a place to rest at night!

You can access links to each of these spots below:

Did You See McKinney on YOLO TX?

We'd love to invite visitors to make a road trip to McKinney soon, and when you do, make sure to stop in at the Visitors Center a block west of the downtown square at 200 West Virginia and tell us you saw McKinney on YOLO TX.